Written by Team Juggernaut
Juggernaut Training Systems is bringing you an opportunity to learn from and be coached by some of the top athletes and coaches in the World today. Improve as a lifter, athlete and coach through the lectures, Q&As and coaching at the Juggernaut Seminar Series. At this installment of the Juggernaut Seminar Series you will hear from Juggernaut founder, Pro Strongman and American Record holding powerlifter, Chad Wesley Smith, on “Building the Complete Strength/Power Athlete”. Ryan Brown, owner and head coach at Darkside Strength & Conditioning/Derby City Crosfit on “A Comprehensive Approach to Mobility”. As well, as Brandon Lilly, #1 ranked US raw Powerlifter and author of The Cube Method on “Reclaiming Real Strength”.In addition to being coached by the presenters in the squat, bench, deadlift and a variety of explosive strength and mobility drills, you will also be receiving coaching from Team Juggernaut’s Brad Little (#1 in the US deadlifter), JoEllyn McAtee (Owner of Crossfit Bluegrass), Nathan Wilson (Coach at Derby City Crossfit) and Corey Hayes (elite raw and geared powerlifter). Space is limited to ensure that you receive the proper coaching attention and get all your questions answered. Don’t miss out on this great learning opportunity.
When: Saturday, February 16th: 9am-4pm and Sunday, Februay 17th: 9am-3pm
Where: Darkside Strength & Conditioning/Derby City Crossfit, 139 Breckenridge Lane, Louisville, KY 40207
How Much: Early Registration (Feb 1)-$250, Late Registration (Up to Feb 18th depending on availability)-$300
Chad Wesley Smith presents “Building the Complete Strength/Power Athlete”. Chad has sent over 50 athletes to Division 1 universities on athletic scholarships since 2009. Smith is the 2012 North American Strongman champion, in addition to being the American Record holder with a 905 raw squat and 2x National Champion in the shot put. In his lecture you will learn…
-How to integrate sprints, jumps and throws to increase speed and power

-Periodization strategies for maximum performance in the squat, bench and deadlift
-Olympic lifting’s role in the development of lifers and athletes
-Energy system training to enhance speed, strength and power
-How to utilize aerobic work to improve recovery and performance

Ryan Brown presents “A Comprehensive Approach to Mobility”. Rather than try to solve segmented problem after problem, finding restriction after restriction and stretching and randomly stretching things that don’t ever seem to get better, we are going to look at the system as a whole and learn how to correct your movement, easing aches & pains, and maximizing performance.
-Breathing patterns
-motor patterns & why they matter
Brandon Lilly presents “Reclaiming Real Strength”. Brandon has helped numerous powerlifters, and athletes simplify their training regimens, and achieve new levels of strength, speed, and power. Lilly holds the current #1 Raw total in the US In this lecture he will share with you:

-How to maximize strength, and performance for you competition.
-Building power without bands, chains, and fancy equipment
-How to think outside the “Box” to build the best squat of your life
-Being a well-rounded strength athlete and developing on-demand success