Written by Team Juggernaut
Check out the best training advice ever received by Team Juggernaut and Juggernaut’s fans and readers on Facebook and Twitter
Mick Manley-“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.”-Rick Hussey
Mark Anderson-Eat

Brad Little-Don’t over think things and always poop before heavy pulls.
Ed Stedman-Be consistent
Alan Kissick-Don’t listen to training advice
Julian Muron-Stop overanalyzing everything and just work your ass off
Chris Tung-Always curl in the squat rack and vice versa
Christopher Bradshaw-Control the weight, don’t let the weight control you
Elliot Dole-“Train at Juggernaut”-Alex Parsons, Oakland Raiders. I replied, “Okay”.
Jared Stone-Heels on, insteps off, big air, chest high
Dave Brown-“SFW”-Vincent Dizenzo
Joshua Olmedo-Two simple things…1. My finace Shelly believing in me. 2. “Less beast mode, more man mode.”-Brandon Lilly
Jim Caiafa-“Fury before theory everyday of the week and twice on Sunday”-The ‘back arms’ guy via Josh Bryant
Courtney Gould-Don’t doubt yourself or your abilities
Dan Petkovsek-Stop thinking, start lifting
Dan Baseley-Be consistent. And that spiel in the BIG Seminar when Jim Wendley says, “If you want to go to Chicago, just get in the car and drive.” Both really important.
Pat Crowley-Form, balance, consistency
Steven Vinet-Rip that sh*t

Eric Hess-Leave that gym, you’re getting ripped off
Bear Johnson-Don’t f*ck this up
Mark Harrington-Leave your ego at the door
Chip Manuel-Be patient
Preston Kircher-Powerlifting is a marathon not a sprint
Ryan Brown-From Milo of Greece whose daily diet allegedly consisted of 20 lbs of meat, 20 lbs of bread and 18 pints of wine. He once carried a 4 year-old bull on his shoulders before slaughtering, roasting and devouring it in one day. He was said to have achieved the feat of lifting the bull by starting in childhood, lifting and carrying a newborn calf and repeating the feat daily as it grew to maturity. So I guess it is easy, be simple and consistent. Eat a lot and drink 18 pints of wine a day.
Johnie Farkas-One more rep
Peter Knochenhauer-Check your ego at the door
Ross Bowsher-Everything works just not forever
Greg Furamanek-Don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do
Alex Parsons-Full speed and with 100% effort, results will follow. No one has ever drown in sweat, I can personally attest to that.
Kalle Beck-Be consistent and keep it simple
Paul Casalan-Big ain’t strong, strong is strong
Matt Ryan Brown-Teach intensity first. Intensity is effort and work ethic.
Marshall Roy-Measure strength gains in months and years, not days and weeks.

Steve Pulcinella-My grandmother once told me not to lift too much because I might strain my pooper. Still don’t know what that means.
Matt Marcoccia-Keep it simple stupid
Evan Picariello-No substitute for hard work and “if you want some, come get some”-Brandon Lilly
Kyle Bohannon-Not gonna lie, out of everything out there, everything in your KISS series of articles.
Daniel Green-It’s ok to train when you’re sore or not 100%. Often times it doesn’t matter how you feel.
Jason Murphy-The entire Juggernaut Method from Muscle and Fitness
Darin Heltemes-Shut the f*ck up and lift
Cliff Privetera-“Sometimes you just gotta stop thinking so much and JUST…reach down, grab ahold and rip that sh*t off the ground”-Manny Sanchez, OC Strength Club
Chad Wesley Smith-Control what you can control and don’t worry about what you can’t
Paul Sousa-Add a bosu ball to every lift
Luke Barber-Start too light and concentrate on the main lifts the most.

Bryce Winters-Lift heavy, that is all
Scott Borre-Goblet squat
Joshua Muise-Train with purpose
Danny Giruad-When the body stops learning, it stops growing.
Jake Benth-Start yoga and learn to control yourself during your lifts
Zack Nielsen-It’s better to be slightly undertrained, than overtrained, when it comes to athletics
Angelo Loukas-Consistency is most important
Bob Moyer-Squat
Cory Cardoza-Deadlift or squat
Khrys Speed-1. Train your legs. 2. Train Hard/Often. 3. Don’t worry about the little sh*t, just get it done.
Rod Kirk-Nothing will destroy a lifter faster or for longer than ego-Jim Wendler
Robert James Gonzalez-Be consistent and “Snatch and Clean & Jerk everyday”-Donny Shankle
Franco Crincoli-Be mobile, be strong, be conditioned…but don’t be a p*ssy.
Zachary Gardner-“Train optimally”-Louie Simmons
Sy Banks-It’s not the exercise that’s important, it’s the adaptation.
Steven Vinet-Dude you got that easy
Jen Comas Keck-Focus on building your strength, rather than trying to test it all the time.
Fredrick Hannie-A friend and coach once asked me what was the best lift for the hammer throw. I said “hang snatch”. He replied, “No! Throwing is you dummy.” Spend most of your time doing things with high transfer.
Toni Marino-Practice perfect form
Michelle Merren-Wear low cut shirts and you will never have to look for a spotter.
Hoplite Personal Training-Do it right or do it again
Nino Alexandre Silva-Jump high or go home.
Brandon Lilly-Most of us lift cause we have fears, demons or insecurities. If you wanna defeat them you gotta be a f*cking devil under the bar.

Matt Knight-Get your ass off the couch!
Thad Forehand-Squat more
Brian Biggerstaff-Concentrate on core lifts