Written by Team Juggernaut
Name:Greg Panora

Age: 32
Height/Weight: 5’10, 256-258 off season, 242 competition
Hometown: Stow, MA
Current City: Portland, ME
Years Training: 18
Years Competing: 13
PRs: 1060 geared squat, 820 geared bench, 820 geared deadlift. I recently did a push/pull and benched 500 raw and deadlifted 750 raw.
Where you Train: Crossfit Casco Bay
Day Job: I teach powerlifting at Crossfit Casco Bay which is a blast and train some athletes and lifters. I also do nightclub security.
What would be your personal theme song?: Hahaha 99 Problems would be pretty accurate.
What got you into training/competing? What is your athletic background?
I was a skinny fat kid trying to play football in high school. I started lifting to get stronger, but eventually lifting became more important. Then I found about powerlifting and it all became clear what I wanted to do. I played football, wrestled and threw shot put in high school.
Who have been influential people in your life in regards to training, or just in general?
Louie Simmons in both respects. Despite me leaving Westside, I will always admire what he did/does for the sport and how he lives his life. He found what he loves doing and made it into a huge business. He didn’t follow any of the rules in lifting or life and became very successful at both.
What are the greatest challenges you have faced from a training/competing standpoint?
I don’t believe there are challenges if you’re focused. At the end of the day its u and the weight, the second u start making excuses is the day you lose.
How do you structure you training going into a competition?
I train hard all year and I’m ready to compete for about ten months of the year. However, since I’m attempting this raw thing, Im trying to perfect my squat before I compete.
What is your typical diet like?
I eat 5 times a day. I’m trying to eat a little healthier. My girlfriend is an amazing cook and makes a big dinner most every night which is usually lunch the next day. I eat a lot of meat, nuts, peanut butter, potatoes and veggies.
What upcoming competitions do you have? What are your competitive goals for the next year?
I’m competing at a smaller local contest in May. I would like to total over 2000 raw and really not look like an asshole squatting. My long term goal is to break the raw world record at 242 if we can keep Dan Green in the 220s a little longer
What do you foresee to be the biggest challenges as you transition from geared to raw competitions?
I have had to switch my squat up a ton. I spent years building a wide squat and always training in briefs. Now, I’m having to move my feet in and take away my hip strength to hit depth. I’m getting much better at it though thanks to Brandon Lilly.
What advice would you give to someone who is interested in competing in what you do?
What advice you would give to a younger version of yourself? Never think you cant do something. I always approached a weight assuming I was going to do it. Powerlifting is a mind game.
Any general thank you’s or products to look out for or anything else you want to say…
I gotta thank Louie Simmons first for all he taught me. Next I have to thank Big Dan McNutt for pushing me towards Crossfit which catapulted back to powerlifting. I have to thank Adam Nelson and Neil Boorjian for bring me to Crossfit Casco Bay and letting me set up shop. Brandon Lilly for writing all my workouts. If you’re competing raw and not using the cube method then you should stay at home. Matt Seitz for continually pushing me in the gym, and my girlfriend Heather McGee for putting up with my craziness and keeping me fed. Love ya babe…