
Breathing 101

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Humans take over 20,000 breaths per day. Breathing improperly will cause you to reinforce poor posture, diminishing your mobility and performance, over 20,000 times per day. Ryan Brown of Darkside Strength & Conditioning/Derby City Crossfit shows you some simple assessments and exercises to correct your breathing patterns, improve you mobility and joint positioning and enhance your performance…

Ryan Brown is the head physical preparation coach and owner of Derby City CrossFit / DarkSide Strength in Louisville,Ky. Ryan’s focus is on correcting and perfecting movement/motor patterns to get the most out of his athletes. He has competed in CrossFit, Powerlifting, strongman, and currently Olympic lifting. His clients include; elite level power lifters, national level Olympic lifters, pro MMA fighters, college football players, HS athletes, CrossFitters, old broke people, and pretty much anyone else who wants to do something better.

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